Yan Lipao

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554


เลขรหัสประจำบ้าน 8001-003149-9 สำนักทะเบียน อำเภอเมืองนครศรีธรรมราช
รายการที่อยู่ 2 หมู่ที่ 5 ตำบล นาเคียน อำเภอ เมือง นครศรีธรรมราช
ชื่อหมู่บ้าน ชื่อบ้าน
ประเภทบ้าน บ้าน ลักษณะบ้าน
ลงชื่อ นายทะเบียน
( นางแสงจันทร์ รอดแสง)
วันเดือนปีทีพิมพ์ทะเบียนบ้าน 1 เมษายน 2552
เล่มที่ 1 รายการบุคคลในบ้านของเลขรหัสประจำบ้าน 80001-003149-9 ลำดับที่ 3
ชื่อ น.ส. นุชนาฏ ระห่างภัย สัญชาติ ไทย เพศ หญิง
เลขประจำตัวประชาชน 1-8001-00145-37-1 สถานภาพ ผู้อาศัย เกิดเมื่อ 15 พ.ค. 2532
มารดาผู้ให้กำเนิด ชื่อ สอผีหย๊ะ สัญชาติ ไทย
บิดาผู้ให้กำเนิด ชื่อ อับบาส สัญชาติ ไทย
มาจาก ฐานข้อมูลการทะเบียนราษฏร
เข้ามาอยู่ในบ้านนี้เมื่อ 16 พ.ค. 2532 ( นางแสงจันทร์ รอดแสง)________________________________________________________________________
HOUSE CODE NO 8001-003149-9 Loal Registration office Municiple Nakhon Si Thammarat
Village Name House Name
Type of House Description of house
Date of stipulating the house number
signature ( Mrs. sangjan rodsang) Register
Date of printing the registration 1 April 2010
Book No 1 List of persons of the house code no 8001-003149-9 Scrial No 3
Name:Miss Noootchanat Rahangpai Nationality :THAI Sex: Female
ID No: 1-8001-00145-37-1 Status: RESIDENt Date of birth: 15 May 1989
Name of nature mother: Sofiyah National: THAI
Name of nature father: Abbas National: THAI
Singnature (Mrs Sangjan Rodsang) Register

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Lesson plan

Topic Dawn and up Unit1 Interpretation and Giving Opinions

Subject Fundamental English 1 (E21101) Class Lower Secondary 1 Time 3 hours

Standard T 1.1 Understand and tell the story listened and read the different media then

give opinion and reason

Index M. 1/1 Do according to order, request, suggestion and easy explanation

listened and Read

Important concept

Students should be able to order, request, astigmatic and negative that mean for themselves, their classmates and closed people correctly by having gone through the language skill method to communicate, especially that emphasize being developed listening, speaking reading and writing together which enables the students to apply in their daily lives confidentially and suitable to good manner and condition of people.

Concept of having knowledge


1. Order, request, suggestion both affirmative and negative that mean for themselves and their classmates and closed people such as Look at the…. / here/ over there. / Say it again/ Read and draw. / Put a/ an… in/ on / under…. / Go to the window and open it. / Take out the book. Open on page 17 and read it. etc.

2. The use of can could/ Please in the request sentences such as Please look up the meaning in a dictionary./ Look up the meaning in a dictionary, please./ Can /Could you help me , please ? Excuse me. Could you… ?etc.

Vocabulary : clap hop shake turn borrow

Form of affirmative and negative order : V1 or V1+Obj./ Don’t + V1 or Don’t Obj.

Form of affirmative request : Please+V1+Obj. or V1+Obj.+please.

Question : Can/ Could+you+V1+Obj.+please?

Skill/ Method

Method of practing English to communicate by focusing on trying to use in reality and gaining by listening. Speaking . Reading and Writing skill all together


1. Use English to communicate confidentially

2. Use English suitably to manner, time and people.


Thai learning group using order and request sentences. Hygiene learning and P.E group by designing gestures. Art learning group by drawing pictures along with order.


1. The ability to communicate, sing songs and show out as gestures and drawing.

2. The ability to think as :-

2.1 Analyses the group of words.

2.2 Use reason to discuss

2.3 Apply to use other one syllable verb for each verb and show gestures

2.4 Can draw when hear the sentence and tell what having learnt

Result of learning

Work done/ kind of work

2.Group work, write/ sing with gestures

3. Single work, speak/ write/ draw/ make gesture the order. Request, suggest sentences

4. Single work to write order, request both affirmative and negative by noting down in the exercise book





Percent pass

Index T 1.1 M 1.1 do the easy order , request, suggestion and explanation listened and read

  1. Observe doing
  2. Check drawing of order and request
  1. Check list

  1. Check the result



Method of learning

  1. Warm up

1.1 students listen to Down and Up song reatedly and try to sing while the teached make gesture .

Down and Up Song

Down and up and clap, clap, clap,

Down and up and clap, clap, clap,

We clap to the left and we clap to the right

Turn around and clap, clap, clap, (walk, nod, hop, shake.. etc.)

1.2 Teacher tells the important words in the song, students read loud and gesture or tell the meaning of the words.

1.3 Students follow the teacher singing and gesturing.

1.4 Each student group thinks and searches other words to put in the song and gestures or tell the meaning of the words.

  1. Presentation

2.1 Teacher speaks both affirmative and negative order and shows gesture, such as, stand up. Turn right, Turn left, Turn back, Turn around, Point to the window, Sit down.

Don’t sleep in the classroom. Don’t eat food in the classroom. Don’t draw cartoon in the book.

2.2 Teacher shows various order cards, students read,tell the meanings and note down in the exercise book.

2.3 Teacher speaks various requests, shows the cards, students speak after the teacher and make gestures.

Such as :

T : Can/ could you tell me your nickname, please?

S : My nickname is “Tee”.

T : Can/could you close the window, please?

S : Yes, I ’ll do now.

T : Can/Could I borrow your pen, please?

S : Yes. Here you are.

2.4 Teacher concludes the use of Can/Could please to show the polite request, students note down.

  1. Practice

3.1 Students speak order and request in pair with gesture

3.2 Choose student as a valenteer to speak different orders and requests, the rest do the orders and requests.

3.3 Let student draw pictures for order and requests.

  1. Production

4.1 Students show new idea about songs and gestures

4.2 Student show the chart of other words or drawing for other words in the song.

4.3 Student pair up the picture and order sentences on the table and stick on the board check and read.

  1. Wrap up

5.1 Play “Simon Says” game

5.2 Let students do exercise from the picture given.

Media of learning

  1. Song
  2. Tapes of affirmative and negative orders.
  3. Picture cards and tapes of pair sentences.
  4. Work given sheets
  5. VCD or DVD players
  6. Different side boards, BTS station, understand rail station, cinema hosses and medical sheet, etc.

Result after making learning memo

  1. Result


  1. Problem/obstacle


  1. Suggestion


Check list

Name…………………………………………… number……………………………………

Result checklist/checklist

Can do at once

Think for a while then do

Can’t do







Pass/ fail

  1. Order Open the book to page 15.
  2. Order Stand up
  3. Order Sit down
  4. Order Point to the door.
  5. Order Could I borrow your pen, please
  6. Request Could you tell me your nickname, please
  7. Request Close the window, please.
  8. Request Spell the word “clap”,please

Note Criteria to decide if each student passes must get 70% or 11 marks upwards

Rules to mark the quality of work

Mark level/point to evaluate





Weight Main point


Completed work

The best result of work

Good result of work

Rather complete result of work

Less complete result of work



Creative thought

Much new, wonderful piece of work

Medium new, wonderful

Piece of work

Less new, wonderful piece of work

Least new, wonderful piece of work






Plan of note to evaluate a piece of work



Creative thought



Name, surname




Pass / fail

Note Criteria to decide if each student passes is that the student must get 70% 0r 14 marks upwards


วันอังคารที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554


An Art Treasure as Inheritance

for Future Generation

When we talk about a “Yan Lipao handbag” people always think of something old and out-dated.

As a matter of fact, it does represent an ancient heritage. It is a priceless object, the product of nature, cleverly woven by skilled craftsman, which has existed since the days of our great- grand- parents.

Nature has created a magic plant called “Yan Lipao”.

Yan Lipao is a kind of climbing plant, a fern vine that grows in black and brown colors. It is a nature’s bounty of raw material for unique basketry work. The vine grows well in deep jungle, predominantly in the southern part of Thailand. The ripe one-meter portion climbing from the root of the vine is the best material for basketry work. The vine collected from the jungle must be peeled (the outer part being stripped from the pith) and hung to dry in the shade. The dried trips are then polished and smoothed out before weaving.

Yan Lipao basketry work is an old and traditional art of Thailand. This delicate craft has been known to exist as far back as the early Ratanakosin (Bangkok) period. The province of Nakhon Si Thammarat in southern Thailand is recognized as the original place where Yan Lipao basketry was started. Traditional Yan Lipao products were tobacco boxes, trays, betel- nut boxes, tea-cosies, hand- bags.ect. The Yan Lipao basketry work requires great skill, talent and patience. Each piece of work is quite rewarding to the people who have product it. The finished product is beautiful, stylish, and highly durable. It may last as long as a hundred years. It was quire unfortunate that at the end of king Rama V’s reigns, that art of making Yan Lipao product fell into disure because older craftmen passed was inadequate training of the younger generation.

Liphao materials for the weaving

1. Yan Liphao

2. Rattan

3. Bamboo

4. Softwood

5. Varnish

6. Cloth lining.

7. Niellowere.

8. Knife.

9. Spike

10. Glue.

Method of Lipao Basketwork

First, choose Lipao that suitable to make basketwork by observing the outer cover.

If it is dark brown or gold yellow, it means that it is good for use. Cut leaves and take out the outer cover when Lipao is still fresh and hang in the shade today. The size and length just make as we want putting through the pored metal, such as the condence milk can, for example, The Lipao got must be soft which is good for basketwork.

Steps to make basketwork with Lipao should be very careful and it will take time. For the opaque Lipao basketwork, the rattan should be inside according to the wanted shape and pattern. Most patterns used are Thai patterns.

After that coat with coated oil and decorate with neilloware which is the art of people in Nakhon Si Thammarat. Then the products are ready for sale.

Step and method of Lipao basketwork.

Steps of production

1. Prepare mould by using rattan or soft wood.

2. Prepare Lipao by peeling out the outer cover and rub by

Pored metal sheet to make the same size lines and use knife to rub the outer and inner of Lipao cover to make the line soft and shinning.

3. Take the prepared Lipao to make basketwork according to

the mould and make various pattern a we want.

4. Decorate with silver neillowere or gold neilloware, then

Vanish in order that the products look beautiful and lasting.