Yan Lipao

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

PV คืนใจให้กัน - ตั๊กแตน ชลดา

เพลง คืนใจให้กัน

สิ่งที่ดีในวันเก่า ยิ่งนานก็ยิ่งจืดจาง
เหมือนไม่แคร์กัน ฉันรู้สึกอย่างไงก็ช่าง
ลองถามหัวใจดูบ้าง ว่ายังรักกันอยู่มั้ย
เธอทำให้ฉันเหมือนรู้สึกได้ ว่าคบฉันด้วยคำว่า ทน
ถ้ารักกันไปแล้วฝืน ก็คืนหัวใจให้กัน
หากคิดว่าเราไม่ใช่ ก็อย่าอยู่ไปเพราะแคร์คำคน
หากรักเดินทางมาสุดถนน งั้นเราสองคนคงต้องเลิกกัน
ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้นเป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ
ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้น...เป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ

Returned the heart come back

What happened with our love
The thing's good old days, more time more decline
You as made as do not care. What I feel
Ask your heart. Still with love's our or not
The little finger always hold together.
Look....You molest made to be busy carry belongings.
When we walk together,walk a way,like as not near stay.
You make me feel like you see with me stay with the word Durable.
* If love each other then forced return the heart come back.
Please tell thing that you want.
If you think that we are not, Do not live for people's word care
If end the trip of the love. So two of us would have to break up.
** Wait for an answer you kept.
When you are ready to go please explain to me
Since when did you heart start not love.
This all started from me. Or did you changed mind.
Since when did your heart start not love
This all started from me..... Or did you changed mind.
Week 11 In class

I Learn about instruction imperative example;

1.Give me that book = order
2.Pass the jam = request
3.Turn right at the corner = instruction
4.Try the smoked salmon = suggestion
5.Come around on Sunday = invitation
I Learn about news and topics to write news example;
Type I
A : Noun Phrase
1.N+V-ing P IFCT seeking yen loan in Japan
2.N+V-ed P Thai held in Malaysia
3.N+Prep P Arms catch in Songkhla
4.N+to V.P New found to cause loan problem
คำพูดของบุคคลสำคัญ เช่น

1.Borg-"I'll quit after Wimbledon"
2.Borg:"I'll quit after Wimbledon"
3."I'll quit after Wimbledon “Borg
4."I'll quit after Wimbledon”, says Borg
5."I'll quit after Wimbledon". Borg
Type II
1. N+V+N
- Border Police placed on full alert
2. N+V-ing P
Japan willing to buy more rice
N+to V P
8 robbers attacking gun store--killing a cop
3. N+V+N
Meteorology warns of rain, wild sea and strong wind
4. N+expected
said+to V
Gold prices exacted to go down

Week 8 In class

Genre- Text types
1.Narative = tell story, usually to entertain.
2. Recounts = personal, factual- tell what happen.
3. Information reports = provide factual information.
4. Instruction = tell the listener or reader what to do.
5. Explanations = explain how or why something happen.

6. Expository texts = present or argue viewpoints.


1. ถ้าจิมได้รับข้อความที่ฉันฝากไว้ให้เขาเมื่อชั่วโมงที่แล้ว เขาก็คงกำลังรอพบฉันอยู่แล้วตอนนี้
- If Jim got the message I left him an hour ago, he is waiting for me now.
- If Tom were rich, he would have bought a new car.

Week 7 In class

If clause

I have learning about If clause. It contains two important parts are main clause and if clause and 3 type

If Clause Type I [Present ,Unreal ,Possible]
if +V1, modal verb[will/may/acn+V1]
Type I indicates what will happen, provided that a certain situation is given.
If I the bus this afternoon, I will catch a taxi.
ถ้าฉันไม่เข้าใจการแปล 2 ฉันอาจจะสอบตก
If I don't understand translation 2 course thoroughly, I fail it
If she comes, I will go there.
If you study hard, you will pass an exam.
ถ้าฉันเป็นทักษิณ ฉันจะไม่บินไปอเมริกา
If I were Thaksin, I would not fly to America.

If Clause Type II [Present ,Unreal ,Impossible]
if + were, was[V2], would/cloud/might+ V2
Type II indicates what could happen if a present situation were different.
ไม่มีใครบอกฉันเลยว่าคุณเข้าโรงพยาบาล ถ้าฉันรู้ฉันคงไปเยี่ยมคุณแล้วละ
Nobody told me that you were in hospital, If had known, I would have visited you.

If Clause Type III [Past ,Unreal ,Possible]
if + had+V3, would/should/could/might+ V3
Type III indicates what could have happened in the past if a situation had been different then.
If snowing at Bangkok everyone will surprise.
I have knowledge about

This week the teacher tell me about website to learn English are:

Learning Log Out class

Independent & Dependent Clauses
A clause is a group of related words. A clause has both a subject and a predicate. There are two types of clauses.
Independent Clause - An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence. Here is an example: We walk to school. This sentence expresses a complete thought and can stand alone.
Dependent Clause - A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. Here is an example: when the cake is done baking This clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone

Week 5 In class

Aspects: การณ์ลักษณะ
มุมมองที่ผู้พูดมีต่อเหตุการณ์นั้นๆ เช่น ผู้พูด พูดว่าเสร็จสิ้นแล้ว, กำลังเกิดขึ้น, เพิ่งเริ่มต้น, หรือเกิดซ้ำๆ

1. Progressive aspect

e.g. She was sleeping.
เกิดขึ้นและจบลงอย่างรวดเร็ว แต่เกิดขึ้นซ้ำๆ
e.g. The boy is hitting my dog with a stick.
e.g. I am writing a book on global warming.
e.g. She is living in London.
2. Perfective aspect
เหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นแล้ว เชื่อมโยงกับเหตุการณ์หรือเวลาภายหลัง
e.g. the thief had run away when the police arrive.


Most people believe that dog's are man's best friends.
ปัจจุบันอัตราการว่างงานในประเทศไทย อยู่ที่ 28 เปอร์เซ็นต์

At present the unemployment in Thailand is 28 %.
น้องสาวฉันดื่มนม 1 แก้ว ทุกเช้า

My sister drinks a glass of water every morning.
ตอนที่ฉันยังเด็ก ฉันดื่มนมทุกวัน

When I was young I drank a glass of water.

Nid called me a few days ago.
ตั้งแต่น้อยลาออกจากงาน เขาไม่เคยโทรมาหาฉันเลย

Since Noi quit the job, She has never called me.

The government has announced an increase in oil price.

Lek has been to Japan twice.
ใหญ่ไปอเมริกาแล้ว จะกลับมาเดือนหน้า

Yai has gone to the states and will be back next month.
คุณทำงานหนักมาตลอด ตอนนี้ควรจะพักผ่อนบ้างได้แล้ว

You have been working hard, Now you should rest.
ระหว่างที่ฉันรอพบหมอ ฉันอ่านนิตยสารจบไปสองเล่ม

When I was waiting for seeing the doctor, I read two magazines.
ศักดิ์สูบบุหรี่มานาน 30 ปี แต่เขาเลิกสูบบุหรี่แล้ว เมื่อสองปีก่อน

Sak had been smoking for 30 years but he gave up 2 years ago
Week 4 In class

If clause

1. If + V1, will/may/can+ v1
Present, real/possible
- If I don't understand translation 2 couse thoughtly, I may fail it.
- If she comes, I will go there.
- If you study hard, you will pass an exam.
- If it dose't rain this afternoon, I will go to the Ocean.
- If you heat water, it boils.
- If you get here water, it boils.
- If you grt before seven, we can catah the early train.
- I can't drink alcohol If I have to drive.

2. If+ v2, would/could/ might+ v1
present/ unreal/impossible
- Nobody told me that you were in hospital. If I had Know I would have visited you.
- If I have enough money, I will go to Japan.
- I won't go outside If the weather is cold.
- If i have time, I will help you.
- If you eat too much, you will get fat.

3. If had + v3, would, should, could, might+v3
past, unreal/Impossible
- If knew her name, I would tell you.
- She would be safer If she had a car.
- It would be nice If you helped me do the housework.
- If I were you, I would call her.
- If were you, I would not say that.

Week 4 Out class

Technical translation

Technical translation is a type of specialized translation involving the translation of documents produced by tecnical writers or more specifically, text which relate to technogical subjet areas or text which deal with the practical application of scientific and technology information. While the presence of specialized terminology alone is not sufficient for classifying a text as "technical" possess what can be regarded as specialized terminology 1. Technology translation cover the translation of many kind of specialized text and requires a high level of subject knowledge and mastery of the relevent terminology (2) and writing conventions. The importance of consistent terminology in technical translation,for example in patents, as well as the hightly formularic and repetitive nature of technical writing makes computer- assisted translation using translation memories and terminology databases especially appopriate.

Week 3 Out class

Progressive aspect

The continuous and progressive aspects (abbreviated cont and prog) are grammatical aspects that express incomplete action in progress at a specific time: they are non-habitual, imperfective aspects. It is a verb category with two principal meaning components: (limited) duration and (possible) incompletion. Most languages treat continuous and progressive aspects as alike and use the two terms interchangeably, but there are languages that distinguish them.

As with other grammatical categories, the precise semantics of the aspects vary from language to language, and from grammarian to grammarian. For example, G.L. Lewis's grammar of Turkish counts the -iyor form as a present tense; Robert Underhill's as a progressive tense; and Jacklin Kornfilt's as both a continuous (nonhabitual imperfective) and a progressive (continuous non-stative) aspect.

Week 3 Inclass

Progessive aspect
Progessive aspect is a countinuous aspect that expresses processes, not states.
- The be+ ing construction indicates progressive aspect. Its characteristic of expressing processes rather than states can be seen in the following example:
-Fred is silly.
-Fred is being silly.
The first example is stative the second is processual and paraphrasable as "Fred is acting in a silly manner.
The progressive or continuous aspect is formed with the auxiliary verb to be +- ing the present participle. It shows that an action or state past,present, or future was is or will be unfinished at the time referred to:
I'm reading Nelson Mandela's autobiography. She was having a shower when the phone rang.

Week 2 Out class
In linguistics, modality is what allows speakers to evaluate a proposition relative to a set of other propositions. In standard formal approaches to modality, an utterance expressing modality can always roughly be paraphrased to fit the following template

in logic, the classification of logical propositions according to their asserting or denying the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content. Modal logic, which studies the logical features of such concepts, originated with Aristotle, was extensively studied by logicians in antiquity and the European Middle Ages, and, for the most part, was neglected after the Renaissance until revived in modern mathematical logic. The basic statement on this subject, presupposed in most contemporary discussions, is by C.I. Lewis and Cooper Harold Langford in Symbolic Logic (1932), which develops a modal system of "strict implication" for interpreting the logical force of "if . . . then."

In class 2

Modality (ทีศนะภาวะ)
คือ ความคิดเห็นต่อสถานการณ์ที่พูด

communitive compitence
1. Linguitics
2. Sociolinguitics
3. Discouse text, beyond sentence.
4. Strategic, pragmatic


1. prehaps
3. Shall
4. Might
5. Could
6. May be
Out class

Week 1
A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Whatever exists, we assume, can be named, and that name is a noun. A proper noun, which names a specific person, place, or thing (Carlos, Queen Marguerite, Middle East, Jerusalem, Malaysia, Presbyterianism, God, Spanish, Buddhism, the Republican Party), is almost always capitalized. A proper noun used as an addressed person's name is called a noun of address. Common nouns name everything else, things that usually are not capitalized.

A group of related words can act as a single noun-like entity within a sentence. A Noun Clause contains a subject and verb and can do anything that a noun can do:
What he does for this town is a blessing.
A Noun Phrase, frequently a noun accompanied by modifiers, is a group of related words acting as a noun: the oil depletion allowance; the abnormal, hideously enlarged nose.

There is a separate section on word combinations that become Compound Nouns — such as daughter-in-law, half-moon, and stick-in-the-mud.

Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example: "pen". We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns:
-dog, cat, animal, man, person
-bottle, box, litre
-table, chair, suitcase, bag

Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot "count" them. For example, we cannot count "milk".Here are some more uncountable nouns:
-music, art, love, happiness
-electricity, gas, power
-rice, sugar, butter, water

A phrase is a group of related words that does not include a subject and verb. (If the group of related words does contain a subject and verb, it is considered a clause.) There are several different kinds of phrases. Understanding how they are constructed and how they function within a sentence can bolster a writer's confidence in writing sentences that are sound in structure and various in form
A noun phrase comprises a noun (obviously) and any associated modifiers:
• The long and winding road
• A noun phrase
• any associated modifiers
The modifiers that accompany a noun can take any number of forms and combination of forms: adjectives, of course ("the tall and brilliant professor"); a participial phrase ("the road following the edge of the frozen lake"); an infinitive phrase ("the first man to walk on the moon"); a modifying clause ("the presentation that he had made the day before"); and prepositional phrases ("the building next to the lodge, over by the highway"). [See below for definitions of participial, infinitive, and prepositional phrases.] Usually, a noun phrase will be all of a piece, all the words that compose it being contiguous with the noun itself. It is possible, however, for a noun phrase to be broken, to become what we call discontinuous. Sometimes part of the noun phrase is delayed until the end of the sentence so that that portion of the phrase (usually modifying phrases — participial or prepositional) can receive end weight or focus. In our first example, for instance (noun phrase in dark red),
• Several accidents have been reported involving passengers falling from trains.
we could have put the entire noun phrase together: "Several accidents involving passengers falling from trains have been reported recently." Shifting the modifying phrases of the red-colored part of the phrase to the end puts additional emphasis on that part. Here are some other examples:
• A rumor circulated among the staff that he was being promoted to Vice President. (Instead of "A rumor that he was being promoted to Vice President circulated among the staff.")
• The time had come to stop spending money foolishly and to put something away for the future. (Instead of "The time to stop spending money foolishly and to put something away for the future had come.")
• That hard drive was faulty that you sold me. (Instead of "That hard drive that you sold me was faulty.")
• What business is it of yours? (Instead of "What business of yours is it? ")

In class
week 1
In the frist time of this course the teacher discribed about the reason plan for translation 2 and the teacher told student to explan about translation newspaper, song, article,homeregistation. And then the teacher told the principle and method of Thai translation and English Translation as well for guide line for me in the study translation 2.